Appointments can be scheduled with or without a referral by calling us directly. Referrals can be made directly to Empower Psychology from GPs and Psychiatrists from both inpatient and community settings.

Medicare with a GP referral can provide up to 10 sessions in a calendar year. Private Health Insurance can also provide benefits (check with your insurer) but Medicare sessions must be used first.

We can also be contacted by email or by filling out the Contact Form – you will be contacted soon.

Empower Psychology aims to provide clients with an appointment  as soon as possible.  We are conveniently located near public transport and have free parking for clients.

The Psychologists at Empower Psychology are registered providers with Medicare, TAC, Workcover and can accept mental health care plan referrals from your GP – a gap fee of $35.00 can apply.

Our Psychologists are part of the APS (Australian Psychological Society) and are AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) registered.

Inspirational Quotes

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty – Winston Churchill